gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Police intercept large cannabis, cough syrup contraband at Beitbridge – The Zimbabwe Mail

Police intercept large cannabis, cough syrup contraband at Beitbridge

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BEITBRIDGE – Police in Beitbridge have intercepted a South Africa-registered vehicle carrying 48kg of cannabis and a large quantity of the controlled Benylin Cough Syrup.

The illegal cargo was packed in a false compartment under a trailer of a Toyota Quantum vehicle which was being driven into Zimbabwe on Thursday.

National police spokesman Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said: “Police acted on received information and recovered 2668 x 100 mls of Benylin Cough Syrup and 48 kilogrammes of loose dagga which were hidden in a false compartment of the Toyota Quantum trailer.”

Nyathi did not say how many people had been arrested over the find.

On March 31, police and ZIMRA officers intercepted another Toyota Quantum attempting to smuggle 20kg of cannabis into the country at the same border post.

Police said the crew of the cross-border transporter fled but one of them, Michael Mkhokheli, forgot his passport behind.

Zimbabwe is battling a drug menace as young people facing economic hardships seek temporary solace in substance abuse.