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Mum from hell: ‘My mother hates me’

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A Bulawayo woman’s relationship with her mother is apparently as bad as that of ex-lovers!
Bianca Tafirenyika from Nkulumane said she was struggling to keep things civil with her biological mother Barbra Sakala.

So nasty is their relationship such that her mother threatened to savagely axe her to death.

“I am applying for a protection order against my mother who is continually victimising and harassing me. My mother is depriving me of my peace. She always sends me threatening messages saying she wants to deal with me.

“She is telling my son that she wanted to chop me with an axe. She also hurls all sorts of insults at me and my children. Whenever I attend family gatherings she questions my presence.

“My mother doesn’t want me to visit my grandmother’s house where she stays even though she is not the only one who stays there. I want the court to refrain her from doing that,” complained Tafirenyika.

She said her mother was also brainwashing her sisters to hate her.

She added: “The problem started when I got married as she wanted to take over everything from my step-mother who looked after me when I was still young. Whenever I try to talk to her she shouts at me saying I’m not her daughter”.

In response Sakala acknowledged that the relationship with her daughter was frosty.

“It is true that we are not in talking terms. She is the one who is a problem. She is disrespectful and becomes violent whenever I am reprimanding her. The problem is that she is being ill-advised by her friends,” said an Sakala.

In his ruling the presiding magistrate Tinashe Tashaya ordered Sakala not to verbally and emotionally abuse her daughter, not to discuss her affairs with relatives or her children.

The magistrate also ordered Sakala not to stop her daughter from visiting her grandmother’s house or attend family gatherings.