gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Minister hospitalised after she got beaten up by Chamisa’s supporters – The Zimbabwe Mail

Minister hospitalised after she got beaten up by Chamisa’s supporters

Deputy tourism minister Barbara Rwodzi
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HARARE – Police have confirmed taking down an assault report filed by newly-elected Chirumhanzu MP, Barbara Rwodzi against her CCC poll challenger Patrick Cheza following a bust-up by the political rivals at a road traffic accident scene on Thursday.

In a statement on Sunday, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the assault complaint by the outgoing tourism deputy minister came after vehicles belonging to the political rivals were coincidentally involved in a collision earlier.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirm a road traffic accident involving a vehicle driven by George Chengetai Rwodzi, son to Honourable Barbara Rwodzi and another vehicle driven by John Bata, along Chaka-Chirandura dust road, Chirumhanzu on 24 August 2023 at 1245PM.

“The collision occurred as both vehicles approached Njiva curve in the Gonawapotera area.



“Coincidentally, the vehicles are owned by Member of Parliament for Chirumhanzu constituency, honourable Barbara Rwodzi and losing Citizens Coalition for Change candidate Patrick Cheza.”

Police said both Rwodzi and Cheza drove to the scene of the accident separately after being informed about the road mishap.

Cheza, police said, drove to the accident scene in the company of CCC activists.

A dispute ensued resulting in the activists led by Cheza assaulting Rwodzi, Nyathi said.

“Patrick Cheza later made a report on the accident to the police while honourable Barbara Rwodzi made an assault report to the police.

“Patrick Cheza handed himself to the police in the company of his lawyer Esau Mandipa on 27 August 2023.”

Police, often accused of favouring Zanu PF in conflict situations between the opponents, assured “the public that the road traffic accident and the assault case will be handled in line with the country’s laws”.

Rwodzi made headlines recently when she openly threatened Chester Last Matsa in a fierce telephone rant against the police assistant inspector who is stationed at Charandura police for arresting one of the minister’s minions who were taking down the opposition’s campaign posters. – ZimLive