gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Man ‘chokes’ mum to death, locks house – The Zimbabwe Mail

Man ‘chokes’ mum to death, locks house

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A MAN from Mzilikazi suburb in Bulawayo allegedly strangled his mother to death after accusing her of bewitching him before locking the body in her house.

Keith Muponda (25), who is suspected to be on drugs, allegedly strangled Molly Muponda (52) using her doek at their home at Mhlophe Flats.

He left the body locked in a room before going to his aunt’s home at Nguboyenja suburb where he told her that his mother wanted to see her urgently.

The incident occurred on Monday between 4PM and 5PM.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Precious Simango said Keith had been arrested on a murder charge.

“We’ve arrested a man from Mzilikazi suburb who is suspected to have killed his mother claiming that she was responsible for his misfortunes. The suspect claimed that his mother was bewitching him. He will appear in court soon,” she said.

Keith’s family is still at a loss as to what could have prompted him to allegedly commit the offence.

His aunt, Ms Netsai Muponda, said her nephew arrived at her house in Nguboyenja’s Sotshangane Flats and informed her that his mother wanted to urgently see her.

“He was out of breath when he arrived at my house and he was visibly in an unstable state of mind. He just threw the keys to me saying I should go and see his mother at home. I tried to ask him why he had the house keys with him but he just left without saying a word,” said Ms Muponda.

She said when she went to the suspect’s home, she found her sister-in-law lying dead.

“When I opened the door, kitchen utensils were strewn all over the place and the entire house was a mess. I spotted the deceased’s body lying on a couch and I screamed because of shock. There was a doek on the side of the sofa and I suspect that he used it to strangle her,” Ms Muponda said.

“My screams seem to have attracted a neighbour who swiftly came”.

Ms Muponda said Keith was later arrested and when family members quizzed him about the murder, he said he didn’t know what got into his head.

She said Keith seemed troubled since his return from South Africa in August.

“There is a strong suspicion that my nephew could be in the habit of abusing drugs,” said Ms Muponda.

She said he always claimed that there were people and cars that were following him and the family had taken a decision that he should be taken to Ingutsheni Central Hospital for mental examination.

“We’re really shocked at what he did because he was his mother’s last born and her favourite child. We didn’t expect this from him and I suspect he abused drugs in South Africa which could have affected his faculties,” said Ms Muponda. —