gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Jonathan Moyo Says Strive Masiyiwa’s Threats To Sue Him Proves That His “Revelations” Are True – The Zimbabwe Mail

Jonathan Moyo Says Strive Masiyiwa’s Threats To Sue Him Proves That His “Revelations” Are True

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1/24 It’s trite that the process to renew a mobile fone operator’s license must be as prescribed by law. It can’t be an open process subject to negotiation between the operator & the regulator as happened with #Econet & #ZanuPF when the latter needed 2013 election funds for #ZEC!

2/24 Before detailing how & why the renewal of #Econet’s license in 2013 was unorthodox & illegal, as it was specifically tied to the mobilisation of funds to run the 2013 elections, I need to first tell #StriveMasiyiwa & his running dogs such as #TawandaNyambirai to go to hell!

3/24 #StriveMasiyiwa INITIATED this debate when he made false & defamatory allegations on his FACEBOOK page that I “ORGANIZED FARM INVASIONS, THEFT OF ELECTIONS & VIOLENCE AGAINST THE OPPOSITION”. I responded by disclosing his role through #Econet in rigged polls in 2008 & 2013!

4/24 As advised by my lawyers, I could have responded by suing #Masiyiwa in Britain, a right I have reserved, but in the interest of truth-telling I used my @Twitter TL to disclose what I know about his dirty deals with #ZanuPF as he faked to be 100% with the #MDC in 2008 & 2013!

5/24 #StriveMasiyiwa’s use of #ZanuPF’s #Varakashi to peddle litigation threats after he INITIATED the debate with false & defamatory allegations against me on his FACEBOOK page confirms he’s working with #ZanuPF & is a coward & a cyberbully who starts debates he cannot finish!

6/24 Only a bond note billionaire like #Masiyiwa has time to START cyber brawls to defame users of his company products. Imagine billionaires like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg doing that. If #Masiyiwa & his running dogs want a rumble in the dungeon, they’ll get it to pound for pound!

7/24 Now to #Masiyiwa’s #ZanuPF dirty deal to fund the organisation & conduct of the 2013 elections by #ZEC. In February 2013 as I was researching & drafting the #ZanuPF 2013 election manifesto, Patrick Chinamasa engaged me on a need for a select group to solve election problems!

8/24 Chinamasa told me that there had been a core group in 2008 to deal with the runoff; which included Mnangagwa, Chiwenga, Chihuri, Bonyongwe, Charamba, Gono, himself & others he did not name. He said this group formalised dollarisation & introduced multicurrency in Jan 2009!

9/24 Chinamasa said he had sought & obtained approval from President Mugabe to revive the 2008 group to prepare for the 2013 poll. He asked for new names to add to the 2013 group, besides mine. I suggested Rtd Brig General Tapfumaneyi from #ZanuPF HQ & Kizito Gweshe from the CIO.

10/24 The full 2013 poll group had: Emmerson Mnangagwa (who chaired it), Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, Patrick Chinamasa (deputy chair), Nicholas Goche, Gen Constantino Chiwenga, Augustine Chihuri, Happyton Bonyongwe, Walter Tapfumaneyi, Kizito Gweshe, George Charamba & Jonathan Moyo!

11/24 The group’s overarching agenda was to:

1. Contain #Sadc mediation, so it does not derail 2013 elections.

2. Ensure that Parliament is dissolved by 29 June 2013 & elections are held soon thereafter.

3. Get #Econet & diamond companies to fund elections to avoid UN funding!

12/24 Besides the three-pronged agenda, there were other daily issues that cropped up. One was a report that lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa had blocked a police raid on Prime Minister Tsvangirai’s Bath Rd offices in Belgravia. The group decided to have Mtetwa deported but this failed!

13/24 A double-edged strategy was adopted to end #Sadc mediation & ensure the election is held soon after the dissolution of Parliament on 29 June 2013: take the disputed election date to the Supreme Court & out of the hands of #Sadc who wanted GPA parties to negotiate the date!

14/24 By the time #Sadc held its Maputo Summit on 15 June 2013, the Supreme Court had ordered President Mugabe to issue a proclamation to hold elections by 31 July 2013 in the famous @mawarirej judgment. A poll date had been set. #Sadc could not interfere with a court decision!

15/24 Buoyed by its Supreme Court strategy to end #Sadc mediation & to set a date for the 2013 election outside GPA negotiations, the group got Prof Lovemore Madhuku to fly with President Mugabe to Maputo for the 15 June 2013 #Sadc Summit to explain the Supreme Court decision!

16/24 Linked to the Supreme Court strategy to end #Sadc mediation & to set 31 July 2013 as the election date, was the need to mobilise funds for #ZEC to organize & conduct the election. Since Treasury had said there was no money for elections, the UN had stepped in with an offer!

17/24 The group had problems with the UN offer to fund #ZEC for the 2013 elections. The UN offer came with a litany of conditions: insisting on an advance team to assess the situation on the ground; on the management of the elections, and on election observers. Tough conditions!

18/24 The group rejected the UN offer because of its politically tough conditions. This drove the group to find alternative sources of funding. Two were identified: negotiating with diamond companies in Chiadzwa & negotiating with #Econet, whose license was expiring July 2013!

19/24 The negotiations with #Mbada, #Anjin & #MarangeDiamonds were straightforward but by then the murmurs were that alluvials had run out. Also, these diamond companies & the Army were busy importing #ZanuPF election regalia. It’s the negotiations with #Econet which got tough!

20/24 There have been comparisons between #Econet in 2013 & ANZ, publishers of #Masiyiwa’s Nyarota edited #DailyNews in 2003. The two are very different. In 2003 #ANZ refused to register & approached the Supreme Court for condonation but failed. In 2013 #Econet NEGOTIATED a DEAL!

21/24 The illegality & rot over the #Econet situation in 2013 starts with the fact that its license renewal did not follow a transparent process as prescribed by law. Instead, it followed an open-ended “scratch-my-back-and-I-scatch-your-back” process between #ZanuPF & #Masiyiwa!

22/24 #ZanuPF knew that #Econet’s 15-year licence issued in July 1998 was due to expire in July 2013. #ZanuPF WANTED A DEAL for #Econet to pay $180m for a renewed license for a new 15 year period; which previously was $100m. The extra $80m would then underwrite the 2013 election!

23/24 #Masiyiwa knew #ZanuPF was vulnerable & desperate to fund the 2013 poll & avoid the @UN. #Econet played tough: reduce $180m fee to $137,5m for 20 & not 15 years; deduct $60m interconnection fees owed to #Econet by #NetOne & #TelOne; #Econet to pay $77,5m over six months!

24/24 #ZanuPF got the money to stop @UN funds for #ZEC to run the 2013 poll with no UN conditions & no UN observers. #Masiyiwa got #Econet’s license renewed for a song. #Taxpayers paid $60m of the #Econet license by assuming #NetOne & #TelOne debts to #Econet. It was a MEGA DEAL!