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Hubby killer under mental examination

Anesu Mafokosho
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THE trial of a Chikanga woman who axed her husband five times following a domestic dispute on Christmas Eve failed to kick off at the High Court in Mutare after the defence counsel asked to have her client undergo psycho therapy sessions.

Mrs Mafusire of Mangawana and Partners Legal Practitioners want the suspect, Anesu Mafokosho (24), to do the sessions probably to certain whether her mind was sound when she committed the shocking crime.

Mafokosho of House Number 1892 Chikanga 2 is charged with murder as defined in Section 47(1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23.

Circumstances to the case are that the deceased Vitalis Mudhumo and the accused person were husband and wife and were blessed with an infant girl.

As of December 2018 they were living separately owing to a long standing dispute. The deceased was employed as a clearing agent and the accused was a housewife.

Public prosecutor Ms Jane Rose Matsikidze said on December 24, 2018 the estranged couple took their daughter and Mollen Mafokosho to town for some shopping. Upon returning home the accused and the deceased remained in the car before eventually entering the house where Mollen and the daughter were. An argument ensued prompting Mollen to take the daughter outside.

At some point the accused locked the door from inside. The accused armed herself with an axe and struck the deceased several times at the back of the neck killing him instantly.

She eventually left the house and called Mollen to go the bedroom.

Mollen entered the bedroom and upon seeing the horror she advised the land lady and the deceased’s relative.

The matter was reported at Chikanga Police Station and detectives attended the scene. A post mortem examination concluded that the death was a result of excessive haemorrhage.

After committing the offence the accused ran away and was only arrested on January 4, 2019.