gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Gifted’, naked hubby outruns robbers…‘Bolted out naked in pursuit of robbers who attacked wife’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Gifted’, naked hubby outruns robbers…‘Bolted out naked in pursuit of robbers who attacked wife’

Christopher Nyandoro
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CAPTAIN naked!
Christopher Nyandoro (pictured above) is a brave man. Almost every woman in his neighbourhood in Cowdray Park in Bulawayo wants a piece of him because of his bravery that exposed his hidden talents.

It all began when he bolted out of the house naked in pursuit of robbers that had attacked his wife and stole from her outside their house.

Itai Muzambi

Itai Muzambi

At the time Nyandoro was in the shower but when he heard his wife scream, he sprang into action.

“He was naked, I mean naked, while chasing the robbers. If that’s not heroism then I don’t know what being a hero for your wife is,” said Lungile Mlalazi, a female neighbour who seemed impressed with what she saw.

Harrison Chiocha

Harrison Chiocha

The hero spoke with pride to B-Metro about how he rescued his wife.

“I heard my wife screaming the word thief around 9pm. I was in the shower but when I heard the sound of her voice full of fear and pain I ran out of the bathroom wearing nothing. I saw a man running away with my wife’s handbag and pursued him,” said Nyandoro.

And to prove that he had naked super powers he caught the thieves.

“I am not ashamed that I ran after the robbers naked because I caught him. I did not let my nakedness or pride of having people to judge my birthday suit get in the way. All I thought of was catching him and I did,” he said.

And now the wife, Beauty Muninda feels like the most loved woman under the sun.

“I am thankful for my husband and the way he acted. Those people could never have managed to hurt me because my husband showed up the second he heard me shout out thief. The robbers stole money from me, R7 000, 550 bond notes, 2 000 pula and $400. My husband pursued them without even asking me how much had been stolen and that is the reason why he caught them,” said Muninda.

The suspects, Harrison Chiocha and Itai Muzambi, are a couple linked to many robberies, having been accused of terrorising the city robbing money changers.

Chiocha and Muzambi are alleged to drive around carrying two silver toy guns and an axe as their work weapons.

“When we caught them in their car they had two silver toy guns, an axe, and a shocker,” added Nyandoro.

According to a State prosecutor, the duo had a case before the Western Commonage Magistrates Court for the robbery.

“The two are awaiting judgment, they are on trial for now,” said the prosecutor.

According to Nyandoro they never recovered the money as the couple had a third party who ran off with the bag.

“They had another person who got off the car and took the bag with him,” added Nyandoro.