gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Form Three girl attempts suicide over secret phone – The Zimbabwe Mail

Form Three girl attempts suicide over secret phone

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When her parents discovered that she had a secret phone, she thought of nothing else, but to commit suicide by eating the poisonous elephant ear flower.

However, after consuming it, she failed to bear the pain and alerted her friends   on what she had done resulting in her being rushed to hospital where she is admitted.

The girl, a Form Three pupil at Msiteli High School, reportedly tried to cut her living days short as she feared that her father was going to thoroughly beat her.

A reliable source close to the girl said: “Her boyfriend bought her the phone six months ago and no one from her family knew about it.

“A few days ago, her mother discovered that she had a phone and told her father about the issue. Since her father is strict, she knew that he was going to beat her up and therefore ate the poisonous flower before proceeding to her mother’s vending place.

“When she was at the vending stall, she started feeling terrible pain in the stomach and opened up to her friends who then alerted her father.”

The worried parents never wasted any time as they found people gathered at the vending stall and hired a private car to rush her to hospital.

The girl’s father confirmed that his daughter attempted to commit suicide, but said he was not aware of what pushed her to act in the manner she did.

“We are not aware why she consumed the poisonous flower. When we discovered that she had a phone, we discussed the matter and I told her to return it to its owner.

“Since Friday, she was at a church camp meeting and upon her return, she ate the poisonous flower. She is the only one who can explain what transpired for her to make such a decision,” said the girl’s father.