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Court orders police escort for underwear collection

Fikile Mathonsi and Nizibone Meyaphi
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NIZIBONE Meyaphi who apparently doesn’t want to be like South African entertainer Zodwa Wabantu celebrated for her no-panty stunt pulled a shocker when she passionately pleaded with her ex-husband Fikile Danisa Mathonsi to surrender “all” her underpants she left at his house when he unceremoniously chucked her out.

Meyaphi from Buluda Village in Mbembesi, Matabeleland North claimed that when Mathonsi divorced her, he didn’t give her the chance to pack some of her belongings,  particularly her panties.

For the past months Meyaphi has been reportedly frequenting Mathonsi’s place demanding that she be given her underpants.

So nasty is the underwear war that it has spilled into court with Mathonsi seeking a protection order against his ex-wife claiming she is disturbing his peace.

“It is not true that I am disturbing his peace but whenever I went to his house I will be demanding that he give me some of my belongings which I left there when he chucked me out. Most importantly I want my underpants.

“Whenever I went to his place he denied me access to the bedroom where he keeps them. If he wants me not to come to his house he should give me my underpants and that’s only what I want,” declared Meyaphi.

She insisted that whenever she visited her ex-husband it was not that she wanted him but her underpants.

Meyaphi’s passionate plea came after Mathonsi accused her of disturbing his peace by frequently visiting him at his homestead.

“Nizibone Meyaphi is my former wife and we have one child together. I am applying for a protection order against her because she is disturbing my peace. She comes to my place without being invited and at times she would refuse to go back.

“By so doing she is emotionally abusing me and may the court help me by granting an order which stops her from coming to my place,” requested Mathonsi.

Meyaphi, however, refuted the abuse claims saying she only asked Mathonsi to surrender her underpants which she left at his place when they separated.

In his ruling Bulawayo magistrate Tinashe Tashaya ordered the two estranged parties to keep peace by not verbally and emotionally abusing each other.

In addition the magistrate also ordered Mathonsi to allow his ex-wife to collect her underpants in the presence of the police officers.