gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chirumanzu constituency losing CCC candidate Patrick Cheza to appear in court – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chirumanzu constituency losing CCC candidate Patrick Cheza to appear in court

Barbra Rwodzi
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Chirumanzu constituency losing candidate Patrick Cheza who is being accused of assaulting Zanu PF legislator Barbra Rwodzi last Thursday following an argument over an accident which had occurred along Chaka‐Charandura Road in Chirumhanzu is expected to appear in court today.

Cheza handed himself to the police at the weekend while in the company of his lawyer after a report had been made.

He is facing assault charges.

According to police, the assault incident occurred after Rwodzi’s son George Chengetai Rwodzi was involved in an accident with a vehicle belonging to Cheza.

George Rwodzi then phoned his mother, who went to the scene where she also met Cheza who was in the company of some CCC members.

A dispute ensued resulting in Rwodzi being assaulted.

In an interview this morning, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the development and said investigations were still in progress.

“He (Cheza) is expected to appear in court today and we will release more details later on,” he said.

Yesterday, Asst Comm Nyathi confirmed the road traffic accident involving a vehicle driven by George Chengetai Rwodzi, son to Cde Barbara Rwodzi and another vehicle driven by John Bata, along Chaka-Charandura dust road, Chirumhanzu on August 24 at around 1245 hours.

The collision occurred as both vehicles approached Njiva curve in the Gonawapotera area.

Coincidentally, the vehicles are owned by Member of Parliament for Chirumhanzu Constituency, Barbara Rwodzi and the CCC losing candidate, Patrick Cheza.

Following the accident, Rwodzi drove to the scene after receiving a distress call from her son, while Cheza also drove to the scene in the company of Citizen Coalition for Change members.

A dispute later ensued resulting in CCC activists led by Cheza assaulting Cde Rwodzi.

Asst Comm Nyathi said Cheza later made a report on the accident to the police while Rwodzi made an assault report to the police.

Patrick Cheza handed himself to the police in the company of his lawyer, Esau Mandipa on August 27.