gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa defrauds Choppies of $40 000 – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa defrauds Choppies of $40 000

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A 35-year-old Bulawayo man from Morningside suburb, who had been living an opulent life that many may only experience in dreams — thanks to an ingenious scheme, where he defrauded Choppies Zimbabwe of more than $40 000, has been arrested and arraigned before the courts.

Blessing Chamisa was arrested by an elite unit of the Criminal Investigation department’s commercial crimes section on 25 June. 

He appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Mr Franklyn Mkhwananzi on 27 June, where he was remanded out of custody on $500 bail on charges of fraud.

He will next appear in court on 18 July.

Part of the bail requires Chamisa to report to the police every Friday and not to interfere with investigations.

According to the State’s case as presented by Mr Nkathazo Dlodlo, Chamisa was employed as one of Choppies Zimbabwe’s accounting officers in the creditors department based at the company’s distribution centre in Belmont, Bulawayo.

“His duties were to perform reconciliation of suppliers’ statements, processing of payments to suppliers in accordance with company policy, procedures and reconciling cash and EcoCash payments for Choppies Mutare and Gokwe branches,” said Mr Dlodlo.

The court heard that Chamisa was fully aware of the crime he was committing when he defrauded the company, as he was also aware that various branches had made payments to suppliers.

“ . . . He sent an e-mail requesting the cash office manager, Purmina Naik to make a payment of $44 239,38 to the same suppliers, through his EcoCash. A transaction of that amount he had requested was then paid into his account,” said Mr Dlodlo.

He said Chamisa was arrested after the company discovered abnormalities and reported the matter to the police. – Sunday News