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Cabinet gives nod to POSA amendments

Monica Mutsvangwa
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Cabinet yesterday approved principles for the amendment of the Public Order and Security Act (POSA), a development that underscores Government’s commitment to the reform agenda in the Second Republic.

This was revealed by Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa while briefing journalists after yesterday’s Cabinet meeting.

“Following a presentation by the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage of the principles for the amendment of the Public Order and Security Act and the Immigration Act in order to align them with the Zimbabwean Constitution, Cabinet approved the principles, thus paving way for the drafting of the actual Bills,” she said.

The amendments will also be in line with the reforms being taken under the Second Republic

Minister Mutsvangwa said the ad hoc committee set up to assess the level of damage to infrastructure and the quantum of losses incurred by businesspeople during the recent violent demonstrations had presented its interim report.

The committee, comprising eight ministries, was tasked to immediately come up with measures to bring relief to affected communities and help businesses to recover.

Said Minister Mutsvangwa: “Cabinet noted the need to bring urgent relief to the communities and businesses affected by the recent violent demonstrations and approved that a special fund be set up for that purpose. The ad hoc committee was tasked to expeditiously work out the finer details and modalities of the fund and to report back at the next meeting.”

She said Cabinet had approved the urgent disbursement of US$2 million towards the repair of the damaged infrastructure at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.

The repairs will be done on the theatre storerooms damaged by fire at the Mbuya Nehanda Maternity Wing.

Health and Child Care Minister Dr Obadiah Moyo said the fire was caused by faulty electrical wiring.

“I can confirm that there was a fire which started in a storeroom which is adjacent to one of our theatres,” he said.

“Naturally the theatre was equally affected and it will be not used until the repairs have been done. This (the fire) is due to electrical wiring as the building is from the 1950s. We hope that it will not take long. We have teams assessing and making sure they get working and the theatres start working again. Generally, Mbuya Nehanda wants a total overhaul and we will start with the $2 million. Cabinet was very rapid in ensuring the health of people especially maternity cases are well looked after.”

President Mnangagwa last Friday said the Mbuya Nehanda Maternity Ward needed refurbishment.

“We came here and I know you have cleaned everywhere but I entered into Mbuya Nehanda Maternity Ward and discovered that it needs a lot of refurbishment,” he said, when he visited the hospital during a clean-up campaign.

“A lot needs attention from the floors, walls, windows. They are dilapidated and need to be spruced up. Even the beds where I saw the mothers and their babies on need attention. The bed linen needs to be changed. If what I saw is an area which was prepared for the President what more those wards and areas I did not visit?”

He went on: “We have to sit down with the Minister of Health and Child Care (Dr Obadiah Moyo). Government cannot go it alone, we need support from other stakeholders. If we apply our minds to it, this will be sorted   out.”