gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Econet Partners With Govt To Help Fight Cholera Outbreak – The Zimbabwe Mail

Econet Partners With Govt To Help Fight Cholera Outbreak

Douglas Mboweni - Econet CEO
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Econet Wireless Zimbabwe chief executive Mr Douglas Mboweni yesterday said that his company has partnered with government agencies to help in the fight against the cholera outbreak which has already claimed 21 lives. Said Mboweni,

We have partnered with the Government, through the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control, to offer centrally coordinated material support to the nationwide effort to combat the cholera outbreak.

We are sad at the deaths that have been reported due to the outbreak of this disease and we will play our part by using our resources and our reach to help prevent the spread of the disease and save lives.