gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mutirikwi Dam 97.1 % full – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mutirikwi Dam 97.1 % full

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MASVINGO – Mutirikwi Dam is 97. 1 % full having increased its water level by 2. 03% since January 10, 2024, according to dam levels released by the Zimbabwe Water Authority (Zinwa) on Monday.

The dam was 95. 07 % full on January 10. Mutirikwi, although not the biggest in the country did not spill for 15 years from 2008 until February 18, 2023.

The largest inland dam Tugwi-Mukosi increased by 0. 87% over the same period. The dam increased from 86.44% to its current 87. 2%.

Tugwi-Mukosi commissioned by the late President Robert Mugabe in 2017 first spilled on January 24, 2021, and on January 16, 2022. It did not spill last year and will most likely not spill this year should the current rain patterns persist.

Meanwhile 11 medium dams that include Muzhwi, Bindan’ombe, Chedozvo, Makwi, Makonese, Gwenoro, Mapongokwe, Rozva, Nyatare, Munjanganja, and Matezva are spilling.