Widespread Acceptance of ZiG in Schools Signals Confidence in New Currency

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Harare, Zimbabwe – Over 99 percent of schools across Zimbabwe have embraced the new Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency for tuition fees and levies as the new term commenced this month, signalling broad confidence in the country’s new monetary system.

The Government has lauded this development, highlighting the significant acceptance of ZiG within the education sector. Taungana Ndoro, Director of Communications and Advocacy at the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, expressed satisfaction with the transition in an interview with The Sunday Mail.

“We are delighted to see the overwhelming acceptance of the ZiG currency by schools nationwide,” Ndoro stated. “According to reports from nearly all schools across the country’s provinces, there were no instances of schools refusing ZiG. At least 99.3 percent of our schools have adopted the new currency. The only exceptions are a few private schools, which our provincial directors are currently addressing.”

The acceptance of ZiG underscores the education sector’s compliance, confidence, and trust in the new currency. Ndoro further noted, “We are pleased with the levels of compliance with the law by our school authorities. All those who were errant have complied with our law enforcement agents.”

Earlier this month, the Government initiated a multi-agency operation to address the issue of school authorities demanding tuition fees exclusively in foreign currency, which contravened exchange control regulations. The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Financial Intelligence Unit, and the police were deployed to enforce compliance.

Ndoro also highlighted ongoing challenges with parents failing to pay fees, which impede schools’ administrative operations. “This is detrimental to our education as it cripples schools’ administrative functions that rely on fee payments,” he said.

The Government remains steadfast in maintaining the integrity of Zimbabwe’s education system. Ndoro warned that individuals found violating the directive may face serious consequences. He also noted that school administrations could pursue civil legal action against parents who fail to pay fees.