gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); School deserted after goblins attack – The Zimbabwe Mail

School deserted after goblins attack

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A SCHOOL in Lupane District, Matabeleland North is nearly deserted after pupils were assaulted by suspected goblins, Lupane District School Inspector, Mr Lovemore Ncube, has said.

Mr Ncube said parents and guardians withdrew their children from Mhlanga Mlambo Primary School to protect them from being attacked by suspected goblins.

Lessons were suspended on February 10 and only resumed last Friday, but only a few children turned up.

“The school was closed on February 10 when parents decided to protect their children from being attacked by goblins. However, on Friday we had about 90 children attending lessons. The school has an enrolment of over 180 so I am expecting a report from the school head on the progress,” said Mr Ncube.

Mr Ncube said traditional leaders with blessings of Chief Mabhikwa engaged the services of a traditional healer who cleansed the school and surrounding homesteads.

“Parents and the traditional leadership engaged the services of a traditional healer who cleansed the school and the surrounding areas, so that is why lessons have resumed,” he said.

A teacher who spoke on condition of anonymity said she was alerted by a Grade Three pupil who came running to the staff room saying they were being beaten by “invisible things” while playing at the school grounds.

She rushed to the grounds where two Grade Four pupils were wriggling on the ground while others were frothing on the mouth.

The pupils were taken to the clinic where they were treated and discharged.

She added that the problem persisted the following day when more pupils were seen rolling on the ground after they were tripped by ‘things’ believed to be goblins.

A red flag was then raised by the community leading to the closure of the school and the subsequent cleansing ceremony where parents contributed $10 per household towards paying the traditional healer.

Matabeleland Education Director, Mr Jabulani Mpofu also confirmed the incident saying lessons have since resumed following the cleansing ceremony.

“What I can confirm is that 90 children attended lessons on Friday and we are expecting more after a cleansing ceremony was done,” he said.

Last month, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education sought the assistance of traditional leaders and healers to cast away goblins that terrorised teachers at Ntenjane Primary School in Bulilima, Matabeleland South.

The teachers abandoned the school after they were attacked by goblins.

Last year, Lupaka clinic and Luhumbe primary school both in Lupane District were also temporary closed following goblins attacks. – Chronicle