gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Dump your useless degrees, Pokello says to loafer varsity graduates – The Zimbabwe Mail

Dump your useless degrees, Pokello says to loafer varsity graduates

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SELF-STYLED queen of swag, Pokello Nare has told female university graduates to dump their academic degrees and focus on things that would help them break from their current unemployment misery in a harsh economic environment.

The 33-year-old former Big Brother Africa housemate was speaker at a Saturday ‘Sheroars’ held at the University of Zimbabwe.

Sheroars is a local platform that gathers young women to celebrate their successes and also share some inspiring testimonials on their achievements.

Pokello said the Zimbabwean economy was not any yielding to employment seekers from the country’s universities.

The outspoken mother of two boys said she has since put aside her own degree in Business Management and Media to focus on promoting her business empire.

“I am a brand influencer for seven brands locally and in South Africa. What that means is, when you guys cannot get fuel, I get it for free as I advertise that brand,” she said.

She added, “I do voice-overs for a lot of radio commercials and I still model and I think I am one of the oldest models in the country.

“These degrees that you are studying for are going to accumulate dust on walls.”

The showy socialite said the nature of the country’s economy demanded individuals who were more innovative than wait for elusive jobs to come from somewhere.

“The Zimbabwean economy right now needs you to be more innovative because chances of you having a job are almost zero.

“The rate of unemployment in the country is going to force you to think outside the box, follow your passion and do things that you like in the Zimbabwean economy.

“If you are thinking you are going to get a job, ‘I am going to be working 8 to 5 pm’, you are fooling yourself. I don’t want to beat about the bush; trust me.

“Start your own businesses. Start from zero, go up and down because that is Zimbabwe today.”

Pokello has over half a million followers on Instagram and over 300 000 followers on other platforms which she said she uses to advertise her products and those of other companies.