gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chivi school seeks order to evict diamond mine – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chivi school seeks order to evict diamond mine

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Chivi – Are they just underdogs?

Danhamombe Secondary School in Sese, Chivi has gone to court to seek an order to evict Murowa, an international diamond mining from its premises where the latter is prospecting for the precious mineral.

The mine has been given seven days to pack and leave, according to court papers in the hands of The Mirror.

Danhamombe School Development Committee (SDC) is arguing that Murowa is disrupting learning activities after the mine camped in the school grounds and is prospecting for diamonds.

The school which is being represented by Matutu and Mureri Legal Practitioners is citing Murowa as the first respondent and the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education as the second and the papers were filed at Masvingo civil court on the March 3, 2021.

The SDC wants Murowa to decamp and create space for an agricultural project that should have started last December.
The plaintiff also wants Murowa to meet costs of the suit.

Murowa began exploring for diamonds in the Sese area around 2018 and has nearly 200 mining claims in the area.

Sese Community Trust, first wrote Government and the diamond miner demanding that Murowa decamp from the school premises by December 5, last year.

The villagers accused Murowa of failing to engage the community on how best to work together.

Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister Ezra Chadzamira at one time said it was not proper for Murowa to camp within the school premises. – Masvingo Mirror