Editor’s Memo – Mnangagwa not an easy push-over

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I think this time, unlike former Vice President Joice Mujuru who was easily deposed; Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa will not be easily pushed over so close to a crucial election. There is a whole lot at stake here and of note is the underlying delicate tribal issues at play within Zanu PF in all this.

They can’t rough-up and alienate the Karanga people within Zanu PF and expect to get away with it in areas like Masvingo and Midlands Provinces. As we now know with Joice Mujuru’s performance in the opposition so far; for all her years in government, somehow she doesn’t seem to have well grasped and endowed herself enough on the subject of Statecraft.

Whereas; when we look at Mnangagwa; as much as he does not seem to have any control and influence in the proceedings of Zanu PF party activities right now; in a Machiavellian way, he is actually in consolidation form and gaining control of the State and much of the legislative assembly.

Even G40 functionaries like Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere don’t turn up in Parliament anymore – and the Croc has set his attack-dog Wadyajena. He seems to be well effective and a step ahead without much headline politicking.

Mugabe’s poor health means he has not been able to attend to much of government business for a long time now and this has actually been exploited by Mnangagwa to lay his grip on the State. The Croc is also well in charge of the electoral process and national security settings.

He has even wrestled Mugabe’s spokesman into his camp and so is the State media. Also I think Mnangagwa by his style of not saying much; this is actually turning out to be his strength and that this is haunting and cracking Robert Mugabe’s family and its G40 faction and their reaction is that of panic; it’s not methodical and not strategic.

They now find themselves entering into a reactionary scrambled plan of trying to set a rival candidate and they have stumbled upon one who has not been a long term target.

Actually it’s not long since Sidney Sekeramayi was in the Mujuru camp and G40 even deployed their attack-dogs in Marondera to get him removed from Mashonaland East party Provincial wing and his wife was unceremoniously booted out of the Women’s league conference.

And his son died in a mysterious car accident in Mazowe. So in all this it exposes the Mugabe family as desperate. And Mugabe is playing with fire by making threats to the Generals.

Anobvisirwa dhiziri muhelicopter; rikapera ari mid-air.