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Zimbabwe’s Currency Rollercoaster: A Chronicle of Structural Failures Amid Rapid Shifts

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Over the past decade and a half, Zimbabwe has witnessed a tumultuous saga of currency transformations, reflecting systemic shortcomings within its monetary and fiscal frameworks.

By Staff Reporter

The country’s struggle to stabilize its local currency, punctuated by six major changes between 2009 and 2024, underscores deep-seated structural deficiencies that continue to thwart efforts towards economic resilience.

In April of this year, the central bank took the dramatic step of discarding the Zimbabwe dollar (ZWL) in favor of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), a move purportedly anchored by foreign currency reserves and precious minerals. However, before the demise of the ZWL, its value had plummeted by a staggering 70% against the US dollar between January and April, exacerbating economic uncertainties.

The transition to ZiG has encountered significant resistance, with informal traders and some retail outlets steadfastly adhering to transactions exclusively in US dollars. Lingering skepticism among the populace stems from traumatic memories of the 2008 hyperinflation crisis, which obliterated citizens’ savings and eroded trust in the local currency.

The origins of Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation crisis are traced back to a confluence of disastrous policy decisions, including ill-fated economic reforms in the 1990s, the tumultuous land reform program of 2000, and costly military interventions in neighboring countries. During this period, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), under Gideon Gono’s leadership, engaged in quasi-fiscal activities to prop up the government, exacerbating currency depreciation and triggering acute shortages of essential goods.

Despite attempts to salvage the collapsing currency, including rampant money printing and imposition of price controls, Zimbabwe’s economic woes persisted. The introduction of a one hundred trillion dollar note in 2008 epitomized the dire state of the currency, as hyperinflation spiraled out of control.

Since the inception of ZiG, its value has depreciated rapidly, plunging from an initial fixed exchange rate of US$1:ZiG13.56 to ZiG20 on the black market. In response to mounting pressures, the central bank and Treasury have resorted to coercive measures, including crackdowns on “illegal” currency traders, to shore up the currency’s stability.

However, economists caution that restoring public confidence in ZiG requires more than authoritarian tactics. Structural reforms, including transparent monetary policies and institutional quality reforms, are imperative to foster market trust and acceptance.

Despite assurances from RBZ chief John Mushayavanhu that quasi-fiscal activities will be eschewed, skepticism lingers regarding the government’s commitment to genuine reform. With the fate of ZiG hanging in the balance, Zimbabwe stands at a pivotal juncture, grappling with the formidable task of rebuilding trust and charting a path towards sustainable economic recovery.