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Schumacher family should tell the ‘truth’ – Michael’s former manager

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Germany – Michael Schumacher’s former manager thinks the family of the F1 legend should come clean with his millions of fans.

Almost four years after the seven time world champion’s skiing crash, almost nothing is known about the extent of the now 48-year-old’s brain injuries.

Concurrently, there are unconfirmed rumours Schumacher will be moved from Switzerland to the US, that his health condition is improving, and that he has relapsed into coma.

Willi Weber, who was Schumacher’s long-term manager, blames the confusion on the great German’s family and current management.

“I find it very unfortunate that Michael’s fans do not know about his health. Why are they not being told the truth?” he asked.

F1 a ‘Mickey Mouse’ show

Weber was speaking to the Munich-based newspaper TZ, shortly after an operation on his back.

He said: “Formula one is just like my back now – painful. It is now a Mickey Mouse show and nothing else.  The sport has gone into the background.”