gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe stock market continues on the mend – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe stock market continues on the mend

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Zimbabwe stock exchange continues with its green patch with only the mining index trading in red this Thursday as the World is still grappling with the fight against COVID -19.

Index Closing (Points) Previous (Points) Change (Points) % Change
All Share               866.88                   835.05                   31.83 3.81%
Top 10               684.14                   669.48                   14.66 2.19%
Top 15               700.21                   688.93                   11.28 1.64%
Small Cap            3,420.06                3,349.62                   70.44 2.10%
Medium Cap            1,296.54                1,213.48                   83.06 6.84%
Old Industrial            2,864.38                2,748.15                 116.23 4.23%
Mining            1,524.03                1,726.24                (202.21) -11.71%


The All Share index’s upward trend continues after adding 31.83 points (3.81%) to close at 866.88 points. The top 10 gained 14.66 points to 684.14 points, the top 15 added 11.28 points to close at 700.21 points, the small-cap closed at 3420.06 points after rising by 70.44 points, the medium cap rose by 83.06 points to 1296.54 points, the old industrial was up by 116.23 points to 2864.38 points and the mining index lost 202.21 points to 1524.03 points.

Trading in the positive territory,  Natfoods ( gained 560.00 cents to 3360.00 cents, BAT ( rose by 188.00 cents to 14388.00 and Hippo valley estates ( was 164.00 cents firmer at 984.00 cents. Other counters to advance include Seedco international ( which increased by 127.00 cents to 766.00 cents and  Seedco ( which was 106.50 cents higher at 639.00 cents.

Trading in the negative; Riozim ( dropped by 240.0 to 960.00, Zimplow ( eased 26.51 to 130.00 cents and SIMBISA ( was 13.77 cents weaker at 400.4. Amalgamated Regional Trading ( also decreased by 6.08 cents to 163.92 cents and BINDURA ( traded 2.00 cents lower at 97.75 cents.

On the currency market, the domestic Zimbabwe dollar traded at 0,72 cents to the South African Rand, $30.48 cents against the British Pound and $25.00 cents against the United States dollar.

On the commodities market Brent crude oil was trading at $36.87 cents while Platinum was at $904.50 cents and Gold per ounce was at $1736,80 cents.

Source: ZBC