gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Manhize Dinson Iron and Steel Company Set to Commence Test Runs for New Steel Plant – The Zimbabwe Mail

Manhize Dinson Iron and Steel Company Set to Commence Test Runs for New Steel Plant

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HARARE – Dinson Iron and Steel Company is gearing up to initiate test runs for its newly constructed steel plant in Manhize, near Mvuma, with plans to begin production as early as June.

Project director Wilfred Motsi announced that the completion of the US$1.5 billion plant’s construction marks a significant milestone, with the company now poised to conduct test runs this month in preparation for full-scale production.

Motsi expressed confidence in the project’s timeline, citing the completion of construction and the successful installation of an electricity transmission line from Sherwood in Kwekwe to Manhize. He emphasized that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, the test run is scheduled for this month, paving the way for the commencement of production in June.

As one of the three local subsidiaries of China’s Tsingshan Holdings Limited, Dinson aims to produce 600,000 tonnes of steel in the first phase, with plans to increase production to 1.2 million tonnes in the second phase. The company’s presence in Zimbabwe also includes Afrochine Smelting in Selous, Mashonaland West Province, and Dinson Colliery in Hwange, Matabeleland North Province.

Dosman Mangisi, Chief Operating Officer of the Zimbabwe Institute of Foundries (ZIF), hailed the impending inauguration of the Dinson steel plant as a significant boost to the local engineering, iron, and steel sector. Mangisi highlighted the potential for increased production levels and improved access to raw materials, which are currently scarce and hinder productivity across various industries within the sector.

With expectations set for the steel plant’s output to eventually reach five million tonnes annually in the final phase, stakeholders anticipate a transformative impact on Zimbabwe’s industrial landscape.

The operationalization of the Dinson Iron and Steel Company’s plant is poised to enhance competitiveness, stimulate economic growth, and foster development across multiple sectors, ultimately driving Zimbabwe’s industrial resurgence.