gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ox dies ‘between the sheets’. . . after attacking and invading owner’s house – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ox dies ‘between the sheets’. . . after attacking and invading owner’s house

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OU don’t have to read fiction books to get some really bizarre stories as B-Metro usually holds everything from ridiculous to eerie and all that you see in horror or thriller movies.

In a stranger than fiction occurrence, Chakwenya villagers under Chief Chiendambuya in Manicaland were left shocked when an ox went berserk, tried to trample its owner before it stormed into his bedroom, “jumped into his bed” and immediately died.

The bedroom where the ox died

The bedroom where the ox died

Yes, you read it right; it stormed into its owner’s bedroom and lay lifelessly in his spot in the bed with its head on the pillow.

So shocking is the incident that before it entered the bedroom, the ox ferociously charged at its master, Job Chakwenya, who ran away while calling for help.

A witness who spoke to B-Metro said the Chakwenya family was still struggling to come to terms with the shocking incident, which some villagers suspected was an act of witchcraft.

The witness said total chaos prevailed at the homestead when news of the action-packed drama filtered throughout the village.

“It was a horrifying moment when the ox, without being provoked, immediately flew into a rage and charged at its owner while trying to toss him into the air with its horns. The irate ox also tried to attack whosoever came its way before it forcibly entered into its owner’s bedroom where it jumped into his “bed” and died.

“The homestead became deserted for sometime as no one dared to tackle the ox while waiting for the arrival of the police and veterinary officials to remove it,” said a witness who declined to be named for fear of reprisals.

However, when officials from the Department of Veterinary Services arrived, a crowd reportedly gathered around to catch a glimpse of the ox lying lifelessly on its master’s bed.

Contacted for comment, Chakwenya confirmed the incident.

He, however, allayed fears of witchcraft saying officials from the veterinary department “attributed” the animal’s death and strange behaviour to rabies.

“It is true that the incident of that nature happened at my homestead. On the fateful day the ox just came from the nearby bush and charged at me and as result I ran away while shouting for help from neighbours.

“During the melee, the homestead was deserted and I think the ox exploited the opportunity by getting into the bedroom where it later died.

“When I later returned in the company of some neighbours we found the ox lying lifelessly in my bedroom. I quickly phoned the police and officials from the veterinary department who came and examined it. After examining it they said it was attacked by rabies,” said Chakwenya.

He said the police and veterinary officials ordered that the carcass be buried but soon after leaving the scene, but villagers disobeyed the order and subsequently skinned it and shared the meat.

Chakwenya suspected that the ox might have been bitten by a stray rabid dog.

According to studies livestock are also susceptible to rabies. A bite from an infected wild animal, such as a dog, fox or raccoon, is a common method of infection in cattle.

The study further says although rabies symptoms in cattle are unpredictable, an infected animal acts out of character, for instance, a normally gentle or tame animal may suddenly become skittish or aggressive.