gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabweans smuggling Covid-19 dead bodies from South Africa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabweans smuggling Covid-19 dead bodies from South Africa

Ezra Tshisa Sibanda
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Zimbabweans are reportedly smuggling the dead bodies of their relatives from South Africa to bury them back home.

Veteran broadcaster Ezra Tshisa Sibanda said the revelations were disturbing that Zimbabweans were smuggling bodies back into Zimbabwe.

“Disturbing news, Zimbabweans are smuggling dead bodies of their relatives to bury them back home in Zimbabwe.

Someone just confirmed to me they carried their relative who died of coronavirus in South Africa to Zimbabwe and bribed soldiers guarding the illegal border crossing points,” he said.

“His relative will be buried tomorrow in Tsholotsho. I also discovered there are many others who do the same and it answers why there is a sudden surge of coronavirus positive cases of returnees from neighbouring states.

Also truck drivers are smuggling people from SA and bribe their way to Zimbabwe without going through checkpoints and being tested for the disease.
Please stop carrying this infection to our people who have no access to health care #COVID19.”

Source – Byo24