gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean President recorded on video drunk – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean President recorded on video drunk

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa had to be helped to the podium by two aides who held his hands as he feebly made his way to the podium to address guests at a fundraising dinner at State House last night.

A video of Mnangagwa being helped to the podium by his aides has since gone viral on social media, prompting speculation he may have turned up for the event in a drunken stupor.

However, officials from his office rushed to conclude he could have suffered extreme exhaustion after addressing successive events across the country in a few days.

The dinner was held to raise funds for students set to resume studies at the University of Zambia under his presidential scholarship.

In the video, Mnangagwa appears to be struggling to walk steadily and needs the help of two of his aides on either side of his hands.

They then walk him all the way to the podium and the video ends abruptly.

Mnangagwa has over the past week has energy-sapping engagements, including a rally in Beitbridge, a graduation ceremony at the National University of Science and Technology among other events.

Watch the full video on our Facebook page: