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Zimbabwean Elected Mayor In UK

Adam Jogee
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ZIMBABWEAN-BORN Adam Jogee has been elected Mayor of Haringey, a borough in North London, the United Kingdom.

Jogee is a Labour Party councillor for Hornsey ward and chairs the environment and community safety scrutiny committee.

He has been a councillor since 22 May 2014. Jogee takes over as Mayor of Haringey from councillor Sheila Peacock.

Adam Jogee is of Zimbabwean and Jamaican descent.

Congratulatory messages poured in for Adam Jogee following his election as Mayor of Haringey.

A number of people expressed confidence that Jogee will succeed in his new role as Mayor of Haringey.

Congratulations @AJogee: sworn in last night as Mayor of #Haringey In London . Fantastic recognition of skills & talent of this Councillor from #Hornsey. An inspiration to young people in #localgovernment everywhere. @CLGF_News @CLGFSG_GMunro @CLGFDSG_LSlack @clgf_susan

— Helen Clark (@HelenClarkNZ) October 2, 2020

So @AJogee was elected Mayor of Haringey tonight. His friends and family must be so proud #TheBestIsYetToCome

— Diane Abbott MP (@HackneyAbbott) October 1, 2020

Congratulations @AJogee for making Black history #BlackHistoryMonth

— Unison Wakefield District Branch (@UnisonWakey) October 1, 2020

Cracking mayoral speech from @AJogee newly elected Mayor of Haringey. First met him when as Highgate Wood Schools Council representative he engagingly cross-questioned the Governing Body. No holding back!

— Charlie Sharp (@Chazitup) October 1, 2020

Congratulations @AJogee you will be a wonderful Mayor of Haringey

— Catherine West MP (@CatherineWest1) October 1, 2020

Delighted for you @AJogee

— Hornsey Labour (@Hornsey_Labour) October 1, 2020

Congratulations to @AJogee on becoming the new mayor of our wonderful Haringey borough. You have Wilsons full support.

— Wilson Solicitors (@WilsonsLondon) October 2, 2020