gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe security services ‘used excessive force’ after election – Commonwealth – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe security services ‘used excessive force’ after election – Commonwealth

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Zimbabwe’s security services used excessive force to break up protests over the presidential election, the Commonwealth of Nations has said.

Three people have been killed in the violenceas soldiers opened fire with guns, water cannon and tear gas, while opposition demonstrators burned cars and threw rocks at helicopters hovering above.

“We categorically denounce the excessive use of force against unarmed civilians,” former Ghanaian president John Mahama said in a statement on behalf of the Commonwealth.

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The military have opened fire on opposition supporters, who have protested against ZANU-PF’s win

He also urged the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to announcement the final results of the presidential vote as soon as possible.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who succeeded Robert Mugabe in November, has called for an independent investigation into the violence.