gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe opposition not invited to inauguration – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe opposition not invited to inauguration

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Harare – Zimbabwe’s opposition MDC-T party says it has not been invited to Friday’s inauguration of the country’s new leader.

Spokesperson Obert Gutu says party leader and former prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai has not been invited either.

Guru says that “it is difficult for us to attend when we have not been invited, so we are still deliberating.”

Emmerson Mnangagwa will be sworn in on Friday morning at a 60 000-seat stadium in the capital. The longtime Robert Mugabe ally who was fired early this month made his first public comments in his new role on Wednesday in front of ruling party headquarters.

Activists and opposition members say they are watching closely to see if Mnangagwa’s new talk of working together will bear out.