gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe Launches National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe Launches National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security

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Harare, Zimbabwe – The Government of Zimbabwe, in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat, unveiled the Zimbabwe National Action Plan for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.

The launch event took place on May 3, 2024 in Harare, Zimbabwe, and was attended by a host of high-level representatives from various sectors.

The event witnessed the participation of delegates from the Government, SADC Secretariat, United Nations, Civil Society Organizations, Traditional Leaders’ Organisations, Zimbabwe Defence Force, Zimbabwe Republic Police, gender networks, and other stakeholders vested in advancing the role of women in peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and conflict resolution.

Dr. Jennifer Mhlanga, Deputy Minister of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (WACSMED), representing Honourable Monica Mutsvangwa, Minister of WACSMED, underscored the nation’s commitment to amplifying women’s voices, protecting their rights, and leveraging their invaluable contributions to nation-building.

“The launch of the Zimbabwe National Action Plan signals our unwavering commitment to empowering women as agents of change, peacebuilders, and leaders,” stated Dr. Mhlanga. She emphasized the need to enhance women’s participation and leadership in decision-making processes related to peace and security.

Representing the SADC Secretariat, Mr. Fabrice Kitenge Tunda highlighted the significant progress made in the SADC region in terms of women’s representation and participation in decision-making positions, particularly in the security sector.

He reiterated SADC’s commitment to supporting Member States in developing and operationalizing their National Action Plans to ensure equal representation and participation of both men and women in key decision-making roles.

The launch of the Zimbabwe National Action Plan aligns with broader efforts to advance gender equality, promote peace, and enhance security across the region. As Zimbabwe joins other SADC Member States in this initiative, the collective commitment to women’s empowerment and inclusion in peace and security processes remains steadfast.