HARARE— Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi says he is worried by reports indicating that some members of the Zimbabwe National Army attacked police in the streets of Harare on Tuesday.
Sekeramayi was responding to inquiries by parliamentarians who expressed shock over the attacks, which resulted in some policemen manning various areas, to flee to the Harare Central Police Station when they were being pummeled with clenched fists, sjamboks and other items.
Sekeramayi, who could not release any further details, said he was worried about the attacks.
He promised to respond fully to the attacks as soon as possible. Studio 7 has been informed that at least six policemen were seriously injured in the melee.
A few days ago, police allegedly used spikes to stop an army truck, a move which angered ZNA members to hit back by mobilizing their colleagues and venturing into the streets of Harare.
Zimbabwe National Army spokesperson, Alphios Makotore, did not respond to questions sent to him by VOA Studio 7 while police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba declined to comment.