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Zimbabwe and British govts in talks

British Minister for Africa Mr James Duddridge
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All Zimbabweans must be patriotic and do nothing that works against improving the country’s rebranding, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Dr Sibusiso Moyo said yesterday after a virtual meeting with British Minister for Africa Mr James Duddridge.

The meeting discussed a range of issues including the sustained propaganda being peddled by some opposition parties and non-governmental organisations regarding the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe.

Minister Moyo said the virtual meeting followed his request to speak with Mr Duddridge.

“I think the discussion was very fruitful. It was very positive and it touched on a number of issues and it also clarified quite a number of aspects which are as a result of misconceptions which are being propagated by certain political formations in this country.

“And I think it is critical that the re-branding process of this country should be everyone’s responsibility. If you are a Zimbabwean and you are happy to defame your own country, it means your loyalty and patriotism are questionable,” said Minister Moyo

He said people should not sacrifice the national interest at the expense of some “few shillings and that is unacceptable”. Said Minister Moyo: “We should not depend on external forces in order to run our affairs of this country. We should be able to discuss matters. So these are some of the issues which we then discussed.

“We discussed issues to take our relations to the next level and particularly in recognition of the fact that we have signed a post-Brexit agreement.”

It was also proposed that since Britain was exiting the European Union where it was part and parcel of the political dialogue process between Europe and Zimbabwe, there should be a United Kingdom and Zimbabwe political dialogue.

Such as dialogue will help to iron out issues which may be misunderstood on both the Zimbabwe and United Kingdom front.

The United Kingdom committed to work with Zimbabwe so that the countries can chart a new way forward. Zimbabwe is on a drive to engage and re-engage all countries of the world, especially those it had strained relations with. – Herald