gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF Youth League To Name And Shame Big Wigs Behind Money Changers – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF Youth League To Name And Shame Big Wigs Behind Money Changers

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In a statement last week, Zanu-PF youth league secretary Pupurai Togarepi told Daily News they are compiling a list of people behind money changers whom they will soon name, and shame.

Togarepi said the Youth League hopes Parliament will improve current legislation. Said Togarepi:

We also hope the monetary authorities will use present legislation to cause the arrest of these fat cats or where such laws are absent or weak bring such (statutes) to Parliament for improvement and enactment.

We have watched in horror and dismay so-called money changers holding this nation to ransom, and we cannot continue to let these greedy and corrupt individuals continue to bleed this great nation, which is on an economic rebound and new political trajectory… just to line their pockets.

Let those behind these crooks… hoarding our monies know that we have the means to smoke them out… The youth league… will not tolerate this nonsense any further and… we will descend on the robbers who are masquerading as money changers.

More: Daily News