Zanu PF Splurges Millions On Conference Tents

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ZANU PF has revealed spending a million dollars every year while hiring tents for its annual conferences critics often dismiss as mere talk shops.

President Robert Mugabe’s party has since acquired its own multi-million dollar tent from China which can shelter up to 15 000 delegates at one goal.

Party secretary for Finance Obert Mpofu (pictured) said the expense was necessary for the party.

“We have been spending lots of money to hire tents. We were spending $1 million every year. Since I took over as secretary for finance, we have spent $4 million on tents. We felt that in our appeal to our friends and well-wishers we should involve provision of tents,” Mpofu told State media this week.

President Mugabe and his party have been accused of showing insensitivity to the suffering masses through extravagant spending on material meant to consolidate its stranglehold on power.

The party is accused of plundering the country’s rich diamond deposits in Chiadzwa since 2008 with the late but renowned political analyst, John Makumbe at one time describing the unaccounted for diamond proceeds as a party war chest.

Ahead of party conferences, Zanu PF has often been accused of employing aggressive fundraising methods which include bullying broke business owners and civil servants into making donations.

The conferences have often turned out to be Mugabe praising platforms for party loyalists while failing to invent long lasting solutions to the country’s myriad challenges.

Zanu PF now gears for its 2017 conference in Gwanda December this year with party hawks led by President Mugabe and his wife, Grace seen sharpening knives for under-fire Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ouster.