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Zanu PF says Kasukuwere is a CIA agent

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HARARE – The embattled Zimbabwe ruling party’s motor-mouthed acting spokesperson former cabinet minister Patrick Chinamasa has taken the time to remind former Zanu PF political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere that he is not a Zanu PF member because he was expelled in 2017, New Zimbabwe reports.

Chinamasa was responding to Kasukuwere who had said that he is a Zanu PF card carrying member when he said:
Anyone can be a card-carrying member of the party, but Kasukuwere was constitutionally expelled from the party. If he says (he is Zanu PF member), so then he must be out of his mind. This is wishful thinking of the worst kind; he is not a Zanu PF member.

Chinamasa went on to take a swipe at the exiled politician and said if Kasukuwere understood the constitution he would be ashamed to speak about it:

“If he understands what constitutionality really means, he should be ashamed to even mention the word. In 2015, it got worse when Kasukuwere and his G40 group, in a very brazen manner, made a deliberate, sustained and determined onslaught against the national Constitution,” said the garrulous former Finance Minister.

They (him and other former G40 cabinet ministers) decided to take advantage of the advancement in age of the former President (Robert Mugabe) and were reporting directly to the former first lady in Mazowe. That was a serious onslaught on the Constitution. Kasukuwere employed all of his cronies ignoring the right procedure.

Chinamasa also made sensational claims that Kasukuwere is a CIA agent who is working against the government:

“He is a double agent who was a member of the CIO and now he is working for the CIA, turning against his own government.”

More: New Zimbabwe