gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF Promises To Build 821 Houses A Day If Voted Into Power – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF Promises To Build 821 Houses A Day If Voted Into Power

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In its recently launched manifesto, the Emmerson Mnangagwa led Zanu-PF promises to build 1,5 million medium income housing units over a five year period starting from 2018 to 2023. This translates into at least 822 houses a day in a year with 365 days. It is not clear how Zanu-PF seeks to achieve this but the party also promises to:

  • Transform Zimbabwe into a middle income economy by 2030
  • Uphold the land reform agenda that has greatly empowered the people of Zimbabwe.
  • Attaining an economic growth rate of at least 6% per annum over the period 2018-2023.
  • Targeting $5 billion annual foreign direct investment inflows and $10 billion in domestic investment.
  • Increasing industrial capacity utilisation to at least 90% by 2023.
  • Accelerate the harmonisation of investment laws in order to improve ease of doing business in the country.
  • Increase provision of rural electricity.
  • Capacitation of the National Railways of Zimbabwe, improve road network for Victoria Falls-Bulawayo-Harare-Mutare.
  • Provision of the Chitungwiza-Harare fast rail.
  • Enhance the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics programmes.
  • Re-integration into the global economy.
  • Promote equity, equality, gender balance and empowering the youths, women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups
  • Creation of corruption free environment in the private and public sectors
  • Intensify the fight against corruption in all its forms; non-interference by the executive in the operations of constitutional institutions that combat corruption and initiation of a broad-based campaigns on the importance of upholding sound ethical standards across all sectors.

You can download the summary of the manifesto BY CLICKING HERE and read more.