gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF primaries claim scalp of big fish – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF primaries claim scalp of big fish

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SOME ministers and veteran parliamentarians fell by the wayside in the Zanu PF primary elections that were held over the weekend as the ruling party entrenches democracy and reenergises its base ahead of this year harmonised elections.

While the Zanu PF Politburo is expected to confirm the election outcome, results from provincial and constituency command centres showed that several new entrants won against some seasoned politicians.

Masvingo and Midlands provinces held primary elections yesterday after they failed to do so on Saturday due to unforeseen technical challenges.

Zanu PF National Political Commissar Mike Bimha told State media last night that results had started trickling in.

He said the party had received some complaints and an ad-hoc committee will meet today to consider the complaints.

“Results have now started trickling in. We should have all the results in the 10 provinces by tomorrow. We have also received complaints and we hope that the ad hoc committee will meet tomorrow to consider those complaints,” said Cde Bimha.

In Mashonaland East Province, results indicated that Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Sekai Nzenza fell to fellow Cabinet minister, Felix Mhona as the two fought it out to get the right to represent the revolutionary party in Chikomba East National Assembly constituency.

Mhona, who is Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister contested in Chikomba East after his constituency, Chikomba Central, which he represented was collapsed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission delimitation exercise.

There were also reports that Foreign Affairs and International Trade Deputy Minister David Musabayana had lost to lawyer Cde Itai Ndudzo in Wedza North.

In Manicaland, Chimanimani West constituency sitting MP and Manicaland Province Minister of State and Devolution Nokhutula Matsikinyere lost to newcomer Wilson Maposa.

In Mashonaland West Province, sitting Chegutu West MP Dexter Nduna and Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Mary Mliswa (Hurungwe West) also lost in the elections. In Chegutu East current MP and Zanu PF Deputy Political Commissar Webster Shamhu reportedly lost the primaries.

In Goromonzi West, former legislator for the area, Cde Beata Nyamupinga bounced back after she won the right to represent the party which was initially held by Cde Energy Mutodi who has transferred to Masvingo Province.

In Buhera, Manicaland Province, all the constituencies were won by new entrants.

In Buhera West, Zanu PF Director of Information, Cde Tafadzwa Mugwadi beat incumbent, Cde Soul Nzuma and four others while Joseph Chinotimba fell to Ngonidzashe Mudekunye in Buhera South with Cde Samson Matema claiming the scalp of the sitting legislator, Mathew Gijima Nyashanu in Buhera Central. Cde Philip Guyo won in Buhera North replacing Cde William Mutomba who is a Senate candidate.

In Mutasa North, sitting legislator and chairperson of the portfolio committee on Women Affairs, Chido Madiwa lost to Obey Bvute, while businessman and sports guru, Cde Innocent Benza won the right to represent the party in Mutasa Central constituency.

In Mashonaland Central Province, the sitting MP for Guruve North, Girovha Dzepasi fell to Cde Tendai Pinduka who beat six other candidates while in Guruve South, the sitting legislator, Patrick Dutiro faltered against Christopher Magomo.

Vote counting continued in most areas while Midlands and Masvingo provinces counting was expected to start last night.

The situation was calm in most areas visited by The Herald yesterday.

In Harare, provincial youth chairperson Emmanuel Mahachi, who is also Mbare National Assembly Constituency aspiring legislator, said the elections were organised and held in a peaceful manner.

“There were no cases of violence since our members were advising them that the President does not condone violence. We congratulate all the winning candidates while to losing candidates we say there is always next time. – Herald