Zanu PF officials are donkeys: Chipanga

Robert Mugabe and his Youth Chairman Kudzanai Chipanga
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Zanu PF youth leader Kudzai Chipanga yesterday described ruling party officials as donkeys that are only useful when they are of service to President Robert Mugabe.
Chipanga told thousands of Zanu PF members at a rally addressed by Mugabe at Chinhoyi University, that Mugabe was Zanu PF’s Jesus.


“Let me tell you this, we are all donkeys, just like the one which carried Jesus and this includes every Zanu PF member, ministers, politburo members and vice-presidents,” he said.

“You can only get recognition if you have Mugabe…. He is our Jesus, you can only get a ministerial post if you have Mugabe, you can only get anything you want if Mugabe allows it, without which you are nothing.”

The Zanu PF youth leader, who makes it a habit to quote scriptures in his bootlicking of Mugabe, said the 93-year-old ruler must be honoured for liberating Zimbabweans.
“He is our Messiah… He is second to Jesus. He is our liberator,” he said.

“We honour God and we honour our Jesus. Thirdly, we honour President Robert Mugabe.

“He is our liberator. When Jesus came, he liberated this world. When President Mugabe came, he liberated us during his lifetime. So, why not honour him?”

Chipanga made similar remarks in Madondera during Mugabe’s first youth interface rally. He claimed Mugabe was the black Jesus.

Since then, he has repeated the claims at every rally attended by the president.

Meanwhile, Chipanga threatened ministers responsible for naming roads, places and institutions, saying the youths would not invite them to the 21st February Movement celebrations in Nyanga next year if the Harare International Airport was not named after Mugabe.

“I am repeating what I said in Plumtree some weeks ago, that senior members of the party and ministers will not be allowed to attend the 21st February Movement celebrations next year if the Harare International Airport is not going to be named after Mugabe before the celebrations,” he said.

“The youths demand renaming of the airport and this must be done as a matter of urgency.”

Chipanga also told senior Zanu PF officials that they should stop canvassing for support from youths as the jostling for Mugabe’s post intensifies. – The Standard