gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF central committee member Makwarimba dies – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF central committee member Makwarimba dies

Clemence Makwarimba
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ZANU-PF central committee member and former senator Clemence Makwarimba has died.

He was 68.

The cause of death could not be ascertained at the time of publishing, but Government spokesperson Nick Mangwana confirmed Makwarimba’s death.

“This is really sad. A jolly good fellow has passed away. MHSRIP,” said Mangwana.

Makwarimba once served as Masvingo Rural District Council (RDC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for 20 years before entering Zanu-PF politics full-time in 2015.

In June last year, Makwarimba went on an unhinged praising spree of President Emmerson Mnangawa, describing him as God-sent as proven by his ‘remarkable’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Makwarimba said that God knew that coronavirus will come to Zimbabwe and send President Mnangagwa to fight it and protect the people.

Makwarimba, who was given a platform to give a vote of thanks after Vice President Mohadi’s visit to Masvingo, said Mnangagwa’s government was anointed by God, adding that the coronavirus will not devastate the country as it did to others.

“God send us President Mnangagwa. It was God’s will that he is in power and people did as God wanted. If you look at the number of our COVID-19 cases, they show that President Mnangagwa has conquered.

“Most cases are imported and we have only recorded four deaths which were all a result of imported cases. There are very few local transmissions and that is not by chance but by wisdom from the man that God sent us.

“We should thank this government because if it were not for them, we would have all perished,” said Makwarimba, adding that President Mnangagwa will not campaign for the 2023 elections as his efforts in the fight against COVID-19 had already earned him clean victory. –