gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘We will remove ZANU PF from power’ – Malema’s sidekick – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘We will remove ZANU PF from power’ – Malema’s sidekick

Floyd Shivambu
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Economic Freedom Fighters Deputy Commander-In-Chief Floyd Shivambu has threatened that his party will remove ZANU PF out of power if the party continues undermining human rights of Zimbabweans.

Shivambu was responding to a tweet by ZANU PF Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu who had said, “Hashtags come and go, but ZANU PF (@ZANUPF_Official) endures beyond the trending. Actually, we are the trend-setter. Above all, #ZimbabweanLivesMatter in the heart of ZANU PF’s existence. This will remain beyond the trending.”

Said Shivambu, “This is the foolish arrogance that made you to destroy a country with great potential. You evidently haven’t learned anything after years of empty arrogance and violence against your own people. This time we will force you out of foolishness and out of power if needs be.”

On Monday, Shivambu had called upon President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government to respect lives of Zimbabweans or be removed by fire and force.

“The government of Zimbabwe must respect the lives of its people or should be removed by mass power and force. We thought the end of other regime will bring some degree of stability, but these ones are worse, they’re even compensating whites people.”

Source – Byo24