WATCH: Protest against new Zim president at Pretoria embassy

A group of Mthwakazi people from Mathebele Land protest outside Zimbabwe embassy where hundreds of business people are expected to meet with President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Picture: Virgilatte Gwangwa
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Pretoria – WHILE hundreds of Zimbabwean businessmen and women queue for entry at the Zimbabwean embassy in Pretoria today, a fairly small group of the Mthwakazi’s sing their lungs out as they demand answers from Zimbabwe’s new President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The group originally from Matabele Land in Zimbabwe are raising placards with the words: “crocodile tears”, “it’s a genocide not bygones”, and “50 000 innocent people were killed”.

They claim that Mnangagwa and former president Robert Mugabe are the same as they say they both killed innocent people.

One of the protesters,Coleta Ncube said the Matabele people have suffered all their lives and it was due to Mnangagwa who killed innocent people when he was still in the army. “We have qualifications but we don’t have jobs because we people from Matabele Land are not taken seriously,”  she said.

Ncube said people were quick to forget but not them as to this day they still suffered without jobs. She said all the job opportunities were given to Shona speaking people and not them.

Mnangagwa umbulali (Mnangagwa is a murderer) is the song sung by the group over and over again.

Even so, the embassy is overflowing with business people as the new Zimbabwe leader is expected to meet with them. This comes after the embassy released a statement that all Zimbabwean business people based in South Africa and all those interested in investing in Zimbabwe were invited to the high-level meeting.

A group of Mthwakazi people from Mathebele Land protest outside Zimbabwe embassy where hundreds of business people are expected to meet with President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Video: Virgilatte Gwangwa

On the statement they noted that: “His Excellency, Ambassador Isaac Moyo invites all Zimbabweans in South Africa and all business persons with an interest in investing in Zimbabwe to a business meeting which will be addressed by His Excellency, Cde ED Mnangagwa, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

When the Pretoria News asked some of the business people what they make of the group protesting outside, they said people needed to move on. One who refused to be named said: “This is a new era, people need to get with the programme and make something for themselves,”  he said.