gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Wakefield dad taken off deportation flight to Zimbabwe at last minute – The Zimbabwe Mail

Wakefield dad taken off deportation flight to Zimbabwe at last minute

Bryan Mucheriwa
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WAKEFIELD, UK – A Wakefield father of three who was at risk of being deported to Zimbabwe today is fighting to get the chartered removal flight stopped.

Bryan Mucheriwa is currently detained in a centre near Heathrow Airport with up to 150 other Zimbabweans facing deportation.

Wakefield District City of Sanctuary (WDCS) confirmed that Bryan heard yesterday he would not be on the flight, as his legal team try to secure bail for him.

On finding out he wouldn’t be on the flight, Bryan said: “Thank you so much for your support. Support from the outside means so much.”

He went on to emphasise it is still important to stop the flight for the others he is detained with still facing deportation.

The flight is reportedly still scheduled to leave tonight (Wednesday).

Bryan lives in Wakefield with his wife, after arriving nearly 20 years ago with his first wife and child. He went on to have two children in the UK.

Bryan’s middle child is currently in remission from bone cancer.

Linda Fielding, a volunteer at WDCS, told Yorkshire Live being deported to Zimbabwe would leave Bryan in serious danger: “He wouldn’t survive. The Zimbabwean government will not welcome him back. For his wife to know that is awful.

“He’s got no close relatives in Zimbabwe anymore. His father who was there died recently from Covid.”

Bryan’s applications for asylum have been denied leaving him in limbo for years, and his legal status has meant he is not allowed to work. Instead, he has filled his time volunteering for WDCS, where he is now a trustee.

Source: Leeds Live