Lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that feed on human blood.
Addressing a Zanu-PF rally at Mbizo Stadium in Kwekwe Saturday, the former army commander likened the ruling party to the Biblical Philistine giant Goliath which would have no problem crushing the opposition.
He belittled the CCC, describing it as a small, insignificant party.
His statements come at the same time as CCC supporters were being tear-gassed by police to prevent Chamisa from holding a campaign rally at Gokwe centre
“I have heard others here saying down with triple C, let me assure you that there is nothing that it can achieve, you see how we crush lice with a stone,” Chiwenga said.
“You put it on a flat stone and then flatten it to the extent that even flies will not make a meal out of it. That is what we are going to do to CCC,” Chiwenga threateningly warned.
“We are a Goliath and CCC is a small insignificant party. You can’t just oppose for the sake of opposing. You oppose every time. You want to oppose who,” he said.
Mnangagwa, who spoke after Chiwenga, also warned the opposition leader that he was ready to deal with him.
“We heard some saying that they are going to cause violence after losing the elections. That’s not democracy. In a democracy you lose gracefully. So if you lose and you want to cause violence then we shall see,” Mnangagwa said.