gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Volcano, floods scare in Bikita and Vumba – The Zimbabwe Mail

Volcano, floods scare in Bikita and Vumba

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GOVERNMENT has moved to allay fears of a volcano eruption in Bikita, Masvingo and a dam wall collapse following earlier fears of the two disasters waiting to strike.

There were social media reports Sunday of imminent volcano eruption in Bikita.with claims there was smoke billowing from the mountain top.

Following the reports, government was quick to dispatch officials from the Civil Protection Unit to investigate the incidents and the threats posed.

Government, through a joint Local Government Ministry statement with the CPU, came back later during the day on Sunday to report that the smoke was caused by a rock fall from a mountain but with no casualties.

“A large rock weighing between 10-15 tonnes fell on Saturday 23 March 2019 in the morning,” read the statement.

“The rock fell into a nearby depression and split into two pieces.

“Two houses in the vicinity developed cracks as a result of the vibrations from the rock fall.”

Government said no one has been injured from the incident but advised the community in the area to be on high alert.

The Zanu PF led administration is under fire for alleged poor handling of the recent Cyclone Idai disaster that killed more than 200 and caused massive damage to homes, roads and other infrastructure.

Government also said that the feared dam wall collapse at Witchood and Manyera Dam were unsubstantiated.

“GOOD NEWS,” read a message posted on the Information ministry Twitter page.

“We have been informed that checks by engineers have confirmed that both Witchood and Manyera Dam are structurally safe. The earlier cautionary announcement is withdrawn. We thank the agencies for acting on this in a timely manner and avoided unnecessary disruption.”

Earlier on, CPU had caused panic when it posted a message informing the “public that Manyera Dam Wall in Vumba has weakened and all those downstream are advised to evacuate and go to higher places.”

“CPU has pleas if you have relatives in this area pass on this message at once,” read the earlier statement.