gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Video: Tsvangirai’s Mother Says She Does Not Want To See Elizabeth, Chamisa, Threatens Suicide – The Zimbabwe Mail

Video: Tsvangirai’s Mother Says She Does Not Want To See Elizabeth, Chamisa, Threatens Suicide

Elizabeth and Tsvangirai mum
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From bitter power struggles to family disputes, the sad state of affairs surrounding the late Morgan Tsvangirai continues.

Ealier, ZBC showed Tsvangirai’s mother on TV declaring that she doesn’t want to see either Chamisa or her son’s widow, Elizabeth.

She was quoted as saying to “udza vana sekuru vako, Eliza handidi kumuona pano…face yaChamisa handidi kuiona. Hezvino ndiripano ndingazvisungirira”

(Tell your uncles, I don’t want to see Elizabeth & Chamisa here, or I’ll kill myself).

While it is a mystery as to why Elizabeth and Chamisa have become persona non grata to Tsvangirai’s family earlier last week is was reported that Elizabeth had been barred from visiting Tsvangirai in hospital. Reasons being she was pushing for Tsvangirai to appoint Chamisa as his successor ,whom she seems to favor.

Watch the video below

However Tsvangirai’s brother Collins revealed that it was Tsvangirai himself who barred Elizabeth from visiting him after his family reported her suspicious movements.

There also have been some allegations that Chamisa and Elizabeth were physically involved though there are unfounded.

Elizabeth declined to comment at the time when the whole saga unfolded saying she was concentrating on looking after her husband and would only speak to the press when he had recovered. Sadly, Tsvangirai lost his battle with cancer and the widow is yet to break her silence.