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US says Zimbabwe remains our partner

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THE United States of America (USA) senate Foreign Relations Committee says Zimbabwe will remain its county’s international partner despite Zanu-PF’s hostile stance to it.

This comes after Zanu-PF acting spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa on Monday said USA ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian Nichols is a thug and funding a regime change agenda in Harare.

However, the committee said this would not affect the USA relationship with Zimbabwe.

“The US continues to be the strongest international partner of the Zimbabwean people, despite #Zimbabwe‘s governing party pursuing a policy of name-calling, deflection, and misinformation to justify their current economic and political crisis. Keep up the good work, Amb Nichols,” the US foreign relations committee said on its official Twitter account.

On Tuesday, US assistant secretary for African Affairs Tibor Nagy revealed that his government had summoned Zimbabwe ambassador to Washington DC, Ammon Machingambi Mutembwa, to explain Chinamasa’s utterances.

“Comments from #Zanu-PF – while sadly not surprising – are deeply offensive. We have summoned the Ambassador of Zimbabwe to explain,” Nagy said.

This comes after Chinamasa blasted the USA, mainly its ambassadors to Zimbabwe, for allegedly interfering in Zimbabwean politics.

“We remind the US ambassador Brian Nichols and his coterie of gangsters and mercenaries disguised as diplomats that it’s high time they get to know Zimbabwe is a sovereign republic and full state under the Montevideo convention.

“If he (Nichols) continues to engage in acts of undermining this republic, mobilising and funding disturbances, coordinating violence and training insurgency, our leadership will not hesitate to give him marching orders. Diplomats should not behave like thugs. … Nichols is a thug. Zanu-PF reminds Nichols that he is not a super diplomat in this country.

“There are several diplomats that are seconded to this republic from the African union member countries and world over.

“They have never masqueraded and pretend to be our prefects as … Nichols is doing. Zimbabwe is not one of the States or provinces that make the USA.

“We fought for this country to preserve it and protect it, not to surrender it to those from whom we tirelessly fought for it.

“Never in our lifetime. Christopher Dell tried it and the shoes proved too big for him. Don’t dare,” Chinamasa said.

Source – dailynews