gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Twenty-six Zanu PF staff members tests positive for Covid-19 – The Zimbabwe Mail

Twenty-six Zanu PF staff members tests positive for Covid-19

From my hotel room, we see the headquarters of Mugabe's Zanu-PF party at center.
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HARARE – Twenty-six Zanu PF staffers have tested positive to Covid-19 and have since been notified and have gone into self-isolation.

Zanu PF tested 154 staffers last week and those that are symptomatic have since been advised to seek “immediate and urgent medical attention”.

In a statement today, Zanu PF acting Secretary for Information and Publicity Patrick Chinamasa said the party was undertaking to hold periodic testing of its staff and leadership for Covid-19 to ensure a safe working environment.

David Parirenyatwa, who was today appointed as Zanu PF acting Secretary of Health, Child Welfare and the Elderly by President Mnangagwa pending investigation into the case of Cleveria Chizema who was suspended last week, will supervise the disinfection of process of the party’s headquarters.

Disinfecting offices after some people have tested positive for Covid-19 is a Government and World Health Organisation (WHO) requirement. Meanwhile, Chinamasa said the President and First Secretary of the party, Mnangagwa, has also appointed Richard Ndlovu as a Politburo member with immediate effect.

Ndlovu is a Central Committee member from Matabeleland South Province. Last week, the Zanu PF Politburo suspended Chizema for further investigation after the security department presented a report on how internal forces are fomenting discord in the party working with some senior officials.

Speaking after the 342nd session of the Politburo in Harare last Wednesday, Chinamasa said Chizema was suspended after fliers printed by a former youth league official spreading falsehoods were found at her home.

Chinamasa said the party had concrete evidence of fliers left at Chizema’s house in March and that they had not been removed. He said Chizema did not report the incident to anyone else, even the security authorities and were found at her house just a few days ago.

Chinamasa said the Politburo was not satisfied with her explanation.

Briefing journalists, Chinamasa said while Chizema pleaded innocent and we feel that we cannot investigate this matter scientifically if she remains in office. She was suspended pending full investigations. The full investigations hopefully will nail the other individuals who have been working with outside forces,” said Chinamasa.

Chinamasa said that the Secretary for Security Lovemore Matuke presented a report that detailed how some outside forces were busy fomenting discord in the party, working with some senior officials and the rank and file to destabilise the party.