gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Tsvangirai set for Monday burial in Buhera – The Zimbabwe Mail

Tsvangirai set for Monday burial in Buhera

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THE late MDC-T leader and former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai who died on Wednesday after losing a battle with colon cancer will be laid to rest in Buhera on Monday, party secretary general Douglas Mwonzora said today.


Mwonzora told NewsDay that Tsvangirai’s body was expected this weekend with the possibility of a mass funeral in Harare before the revered opposition leader is taken to his final resting place in Humanikwa Village of Buhera.

Tsvangirai holds a wad of the discarded Zimbabwean dollars and reiterates that if MDCV-T wins elections, they will not rush to re-introduce the local currency before the economy grows.

“Vice president Khupe is in South Africa as we speak to make arrangements for the repatriation of the president’s body. They should arrive home either tonight (last night) or early tomorrow).

“Given president Tsvangirai’s stature we would have wanted to take him to every town in Zimbabwe. He is the people’s president, a man of the people but it will be a logistical nightmare given the different stakeholders involved including the State. However we are going to have a mass funeral for him in Harare on Sunday but we are still trying to make a decision on the venue. It will either be Rufaro Stadium, National Sports Stadium or Freedom Square (space behind Rainbow Towers in Harare,” said Mwonzora.

“Burial will be on Monday in Buhera.”
