gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Tsvangirai is a perfect leader – Eric Knight – The Zimbabwe Mail

Tsvangirai is a perfect leader – Eric Knight

Eric Knight with Morgan Tsvangirai and Ezra Sibanda
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Former ZBC presenter Eric Ramsley Knight has described MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai as fit and wise to lead the nation into success in the 2018 elections.

“Well, while in Zimbabwe I had an opportunity to have a lengthy and private meeting with Former Prime minister and MDC President Mr Morgan Tsvangirai in his office in Harare,” he said.

“In those 2 hours, to be honest I began to know the man better. Very different to what the media portrays and I must say he impressed me in more than one way, that is why he is a pain to many but I respect him.

“Not a perfectionist, just like you and me, but believe me this man is a leader. Zimbabwe needs brains like yours mudhara. I know you are not well, may the same God who made your body heal it as well.”