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Tsenengamu shows ZANU PF the middle finger

Godfrey Tsenengamu
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Embattled former ZANU PF Youth Commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu has shown ZANU PF the proverbial middle finger by snubbing the instruction to enroll at the Chitepo School of Ideology from Monday till Friday.

Said Tsenengamu, “Instructed to attend 5 day Basic Course @ Chitepo Ideological College from today till Friday before the 3 month course in April. My response – HANDIDI.”

ZANU PF Politiburo instructed Tsenengamu and his ally Lewis Matutu to enroll at the college so that they can get ideological orientation on how the party works.

The instruction was given after the pair hosted a media briefing where they accused some business persons of capturing the state and being ring leaders of corruption.

On Sunday the ZANU PF Mashonaland Provincial spokesperson Alfred Mafunga  told the media that the Province had expelled Tsenengamu.

“As Mash Central Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) on Saturday we passed a resolution to expel Tsenengamu because we know him as a Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP) leader not ZANU PF,” said Mafunga.

However, speaking to Bulawayo24 Tsenengamu  said he is not worried about being expelled from the party but they should follow party guide lines.

“Do not be bothered comrades about my expulsion am not refusing to be expelled, it is not the first time ,history is repeating its self ,l am waiting for their resolution on all the silly allegations l am facing just like what the G40 did in 2014 and 2015 when l was arrested five times in my view my case is so serious which warrant suspension with hearing,” he said.

A ZANU PF Central Committee who spoke to this reporter on condition of anonymity said Tsenengamu was defiant because he was banking on the ZANU PF National Chairperson Oppah Muchinguri for support.

“If you see Tsenengamu being so defiant you must understand that he is banking on Madam Oppah to stand for at the Central Committee and during Poliburo deliberations,” The source said. “You will be aware that the expulsion will be taken to the Politiburo as a recommendation and it is at that point that Madam Oppah is expected to defend him and make sure that the Politiburo does not endorse the decision.”

Source – Byo24